Who is Port Church?
The first Sunday of each month we’ve taken a look at the vision for Port Church – who we are and why we do things the way we do. If you’ve missed any of these messages then you can listen by visiting our Podcasts page.
There are three great pictures of the church in the bible – the church being people, you and me:
– salt
– light
– wind
In Matthew 5:13 Jesus tells his disciples that we are the salt of the earth. Salt has been well used in cooking for countless years, to bring out the flavours of a dish or to preserve food so it can be enjoyed at a later date. It takes only a small amount of salt to enhance the flavour when cooking, too much and the effect is extremely unpleasant. However, when the aim is to preserve meat so that it can be used in the future an extreme amount of salt is required, to ensure that every possible part of the meat is covered and therefore protected. The important key is knowing the purpose for which the salt is being used.
Once you get a taste for salt then you want more of it. No longer does a bland dish satisfy your taste buds – you crave that extra flavour again. There are so many comparisons to be drawn from this picture. As salt, we are to bring out the flavour of life to those around us – to give them a taste of life with Christ that leads them to crave more.
To listen to more of this message click here.