It is powerful to know how to pray. Before teaching his disciples how to pray in Matthew 6:9 Jesus teaches them what prayer is. It’s not supposed to be about impressing other people and it’s not just babbling like an unbeliever.
Jesus gives us great guidelines for how to pray – Our Father. Jesus establishes a healthy foundation for our prayer, starting with who our most important relationship is with. With Jesus as our example we can enter into an intimate relationship with our daddy in heaven. In Mark 14:35 we see Jesus addressing “Abba, Father” – he knows exactly who God is, and who he is to him. A child should be confident to approach their parents boldly, knowing they will be met with unconditional love. Whether or not we had a good relationship with our parents, Jesus has restored for us the perfect relationship with God.
Martin Luther – in prayer we wage a mighty warfare, we wrestle against the anxiety & unworthiness we feel within us.
We are not Gods children because we’re perfect. We’re Gods children because he is our father.
Listen to the rest of Pastor Randy Srochenski’s message by clicking here.