The book of Jonah shows us how God relentlessly pursue us in love and grace for his purpose.
God pursues us so that we want to pursue him. The Ninnevites were renowned for their truly horrific acts and treatment of their enemies. They were not looking for God in any way BUT God pursued them through Jonah, and in response they pursued him.
Jonah preached an eight word salvation message: “forty more days and Ninevah will be overthrown“. His message didn’t convince them that he was amazing, but rather as he spoke these simple words they saw God’s glory. God can do more with one word from him than you can do with a lifetime of words.
Belief causes action.
If there is no action then have you truly believed something?
The king was dressed in royal robes; a reminder of his glory, his rule, wealth and power. He exchanged them for sackcloth – a rough fabric, not . The king asked people to be uncomfortable by putting sackcloth on. He encouraged them to give up the temporary comforts of life in order to feel the weight of God’s word. This was an opportunity for them to question whether their decisions and choices have an impact on eternity. The only hope they had was to hope in God.
To listen to the full message click here.