01.22.17 – I Am Jonah Part 2

The story of Jonah is a mirror to us.  Not for us to critique him and his mistakes but rather an opportunity to look at him and learn about ourselves and about God.  We join Jonah in his rebellion as he quite literally goes the opposite way to what God has asked him to do.  We can relate to Jonah in many areas of our life – whether it be full blown rebellion or just choosing to do things our way.  Essentially, the seed of rebellion is most often a simple thought – ‘I Know Better’.  This inevitably leads to us walking in the direction that we’ve decided is best, yet thankfully God pursues us and brings us back to him.
The storm that we see in the book of Jonah comes not from God’s condemnation or wrath, but rather as a result of his love.  Not a sadistic love that enjoys seeing pain inflicted, but rather a love that continually pursues and brings people to a place where they can truly know God and know themselves.  God didn’t begin with the storm.  He started with a word.
What can we learn from Jonah in the storm?
God’s voice always starts with a quiet knock (he never starts with the storm).
We can start listening for God’s voice in our life.
We can start listening to God when he whispers rather than waiting until the storm hits before we respond.
Listen to the rest of the message here.

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